Saturday, November 16, 2013



To remind ourselves of the message of our mother and Her requests: 
* Be Obedient, show Love and be each others keeper. 
* pray for Asia and Europe
* pray for souls in purgatory
* continue unites in prayers
*I wish to see you in vigil every month
* Build the "City of Mary for me 
* Say your Rosary everyday, keep the Faith and read your Bible. 

(During the Vigil Jesus also told us):
 Children, you deed strength to do everything you intend to do. Invoke the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, everyday, honour Him with 7 Glory be... He will bring your Celestial Mother close to you who will assist you with Her grace for She is full of Grace!  

Let's start Now to observe the message and not only read it or listening to it, let us be obedient to Jesus and our Blessed Mother. 
(Ephesians 6:1) "Children, be Obedient to your parents in the Lord - that is what uprightness demands".

It's the work of God! 
We sometimes, thinks of our unworthiness, have some doubts, who are we? Etc.. but God's mercy is greater than all our grievous sins and He always choose the weak to Glorify Himself.
Since 1996, when Jesus and Mary called us, there has been so many signs and  Revelations that confirmed that Jesus and Mary are very close to us, in spite of all our innumerable sins and weaknesses.

After 17 years now, some of us has become priests, Rev. Sisters, Religious, Wedded couples and Devoted Laity. Jesus and Mary still needs our union! They are calling us again! They wants to use us as their instruments to help others and save the world and so They are giving us all this privileges and Graces. 
*The GRACE of God is very close to us! And we are unable to recognize it! Because we see ourselves as sinners unworthy for this grace, yet it is the Will of God.

*We don't pay much attention to what is happening to us now! We would have longed to travel far away to Lourdes and Fatima if it were happening there now! But our Mother is not far away from us! She is more closer to us than we can imagine! She said:
   "You are closer to my Heart,
     Dear children., 
     You are my favorite
     children, I love you"

Do we doubt the love of our Mother? 
Don't we fell the love of our Blessed Mother? 
In 1996, She told us the same:
      "You're my beloved children, I will be with you always! Pray and persevere!"

Our Mother was very happy with us for the many Rosary assignments we did for those in need. Many sacrifices and penances we have done since She called us 17 years ago.

Jesus and our Blessed Mother are here with us! (FMMG). We need not to be afraid! She told us last month:
Do Not Be Afraid! I am With You! 

* Respond to Jesus Call,
* Obey your Mother and act on Her message!

O Jesus, Mary, we believe, we adore, we trust and we love You! We beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love You.

Glory be the Father, and the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Message of Mary Mother of GOD! 
"You are a HAPPY FAMILY"

On the 12th Nov. 2013, FMMG members living in U.S.A, GHANA and EUROPE started a VIGIL at: 7am U.S.A Time, 12am GHANA & U.K Time and 1am Europe Time. 
We began with: 
-Divine Mercy Chaplet,  
-Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, 
-Act of contrition, 
-St. Michael's prayer and 
-Holy Spirit prayer.
-Hymns to our Mother and the Holy Spirit.
(After the leader prayed for all members) 

*We saw heaven opened! And God's Angels descending, singing: Holy, Holy, Holy, Glory to God on High and peace to men on earth, Hosanna in the Highest!
Some of the Angels went to U.S.A, GHANA and EUROPE and surrounded the FMMG members. 
The sky was so bright with many beautiful colours.

We saw our Blessed Mother coming, wearing a Golden Crown and a white dress as snow and there were many Angels around Her. 

(Together with the little Angels we song AVE MARIA to Her).
She greeted us and gave us a message. 3 of us got the same message whiles our Mother was speaking. 

She said:

"My children, peace be with you! I welcome you all my children. I am very happy to see you united in prayers at this hour in different Location of the world. 
*Continue your monthly NOVENA and DAILY PRAYERS, it is really working and it can change the world for better place.
* I will be happy to see you united in prayer like this EVERY MONTH.
* I appreciate your prayers. As every mother has her favourite child that is closer to her heart among her children, so you are to me my children. 
*You are closer to my heart dear children, so don't disappoint me! 
* I want you all to unite, as "ONE FAMILY" Togetherness in love.
* Your father who is leading you is like Moses leading the Israelites to the promise Land, and so he needs your prayers to shepherd God's people.  
* I want you to continue pray for countries in ASIA and Europe as well for there is danger ahead! But do not be afraid, you only need to pray, we are with you.
* pray also for souls in purgatory for they formed part of the "COMMUNION OF SAINTS" and need your prayer to be released and join the Saints in Heaven.  
* Make peace always with one another, be obedient and show love, through this way, you will be united as "ONE HAPPY FAMILY".
* PLEASE BUILD A HOUSE FOR ME, "CITY OF MARY", start it and I will finish it for you. 
* I want you to be each others keeper, for you are "ONE HAPPY FAMILY".
* Remember to say your Rosary, be prayerful and keep the faith, read your Bible always.
Thank you again for your time at this hour, remember my blessings are always upon you.
I love you my dear children.
Peace be with you all my children." 

(After the message) 
Our Blessed Mother left opening Her hands, She was holding a Rosary on one palm and another palm was written: you are covered by the precious blood of Jesus christ!

At that moment Jesus came and said:

"Children, as you have participated in this VIGIL with your Heavenly Mother, Angels and the Communion of Saints,
Receive my blessings from the united Hearts of JESUS AND MARY.


(Filled with joy and God's grace, we concluded our Vigil with SALVE REGINA - HAIL HOLY QUEEN ... 
The VIGIL took us 4 hours.)

We are grateful to God and His Blessed Mother for all the Graces They are bestowing on us and we invite all friends to join us and share with us all these privileges and blessings.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Beginning from 12midnight Ghana & U.K time, 7pm U.S.A time and 1am Europe time.

Program lineup!
  • Divine Mercy - (to cleans us from our sins)
  • Glorious Mystery of the Rosary - (For the Intention of our Blessed Mother)
  • Act of contrition
  • St. Michael's prayer
  • Come Holy Spirit, fill the heart of your faithful...7x
  • Hymns to the Holy Spirit
  • (5mins pause reflecting on the descending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles whiles the leader prays for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the participants of the program wherever they are.)

Details lineup prayers:
* The Divine Mercy Chaplet
To be said on the beads of a Rosary.
"At first: Our Father, Hail Mary, Apostles Creed
On the large beads (once): Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.

On the small beads (10 times): For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world.

At the end (3 times): 
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world" 

* Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary

*Hymn (God of Mercy and compassion ....)
* Act of Contrition
O my God, I am sorry and beg pardon for all my sins, and detest them above all things, because they deserve They dreadful punishments, because they have crucified my loving Saviour Jesus Christ and, most of all, becuase they offend Thine infinite goodness; and I firmly resolve, by the help of Thy grace, never to offend Thee again, and carefully to avoid the occasions of sin. Amen 

 * Saint Michael prayer

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. 

*Prayer to the Holy Spirit:

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in us the fire of Your love....7x 

V. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created 
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Amen. 

Let us pray 
O God, Who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit,  
grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit,  
we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation.  
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.  

Join us tonight and receive God's GRACE wherever you are.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


1st November - The Church Celebrate the Feast of All Saints and
2nd November - The commemoration of all the dead (All Souls) 

Communion of Saints is "ONE FAMILY" divided in three groups! That's: 
1. The Saints (The Church Triumphant) 
2. The Souls in Purgatory (The Church Suffering) and 
3. The Living (The Church Militants)

The Church as a Mother always unites Her three groups of children as "ONE FAMILY" urging them to help one another till they all arrive in their Celestial Home.

So the Saints pray together with the Living for the souls in Purgatory and the souls in purgatory after their released from purgatory join the Saints and pray for the Living, assisting them in their struggle in life till they also arrive in their Heavenly Home. 

Family Of Mary Mother Of God (FMMG) is "ONE FAMILY" divided in three groups. That's: members living in U.S.A, in EUROPE and in GHANA.

The Blessed Virgin Mary as a Mother of all this groups of children living in different countries, has called them together as "ONE FAMILY" again as She visited them 17 years ago. They were all together in GHANA united in prayer, Love and in Peace full of Gods Grace and different Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  

Like the "COMMUNION OF SAINTS" separated in three: Heaven, Purgatory and Earth but united in spirit, so as the FMMG living in U.S.A, EUROPE and GHANA but united in Spirit and in prayers.  

Now the Mother of God is urging them to unites themselves in prayer once again to help one another and to build "CITY OF MARY" in Her honour where She has showed them as their 
Home of togetherness,  
Home of Retreat, 
Home of manifestation of their Gifts, 
Home of joy and peace, 
Home of Healing, Home of release from all tensions
Home of Conversion and Home that will lead them all to their Heavenly Home. 

They have already acquired this "CITY OF MARY LAND", 
7 Plots and now intend to build a wall around it with the images of Station of the Cross.
Their strength alone can not fulfill the WISH of the Blessed Mother of God.

St. Thérèsa said:(I want to spend my heaven in doing good on earth)

Would you do good to Your Heavenly Mother who has been interceding for you by donating for Her "PROJECT CITY OF MARY"? And in return receive hundredfolds of your DONATION? 
As little as £€$¢1-100 or more that your strength can give! Just Donate and receive your blessings from the Lord.

Those who have been moved  by the Holy Spirit to be part of this "COMMUNION OF SAINTS" and build the "CITY OF MARY" should kindly contact us: VIA. 
Whatsapp or call:
U.K:                  +44-7549911914
Europe:           +39-3402844333
U.S.A:                +1-8622412263
Ghana:             +233-202240137
Facebook: FMMG Mary
Twitter @familyofmary 
Visit our blog:

May God bless you and protect you. May He show you His Countenance and have mercy on you. May He turn His face to you and give you peace. 
May the Lord bless you for your contribution towards His Blessed Mother's PROJECT. Amen.

Friday, November 1, 2013

All saints day


This Feast of all Saints was instituted by Pope Gregory III (731-741), when a Chapel was consecrated to all Martyrs in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Originally this Feast was celebrated only within Rome. But Pope Gregory IV (827-844) extended this celebration to entire church. This Feast was first celebrated in the early fourth century in Antioch during Easter seasons, as mentioned by St. Ephraim the Syrian. This is a very important festival of all saints, known and unknown. As we all know martyrs were increased during the Roman persecutions against Christians, there are so many martyrs unknown to Christians, who have martyred for the cause of Christianity. Since there was no formal Papal Canonization of saints before 993, this feast enables us to pray with the earlier Christian martyrs for their intercession in our causes.

The Vigil or Eve of the feast of all saints is known as all Hallows Eve or Halloween. The word Hallow as a noun means saint and the word Hallow as a verb means to make something holy or to honour something holy
 Both the feasts of all saints day and Halloween are celebrated from the 8th century onwards.

May All the saints intercede before the Throne of God for us and assist us in our earthly lives till we join them in our Heavenly home through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Queen of All Saints. Amen!

Our Lady of City of Mary Message, 13th August 2020

"YOUR WEAPONS ARE:  1. The HOLY MASS 2. The BLESSED SACRAMENT 3. The ROSARY and 4. CONFESSION." *"May the Peace from Heaven b...