Friday, September 19, 2014


(The City of Mary is located at SoKwai village in the Ashanti Region of GHANA. This is the history of the name "CITY OF MARY"

The Leader of FMMG, a Benedictine Monk took a walk praying the Holy Rosary from his Monastery, on 13th September 2008. About 2km from the Monastery, he had in a Vision. On the right side of the road was written : "CITY OF MARY". There was a Church and two storey buildings. He then saw members of the Children of Mary Society who were Priests, Religious, Married couples and young ones praying together as "One Family". 
He came back to consciousness and realised he had just experienced a Divine Vision. 
He then bought the Land for the Children of Mary Society).

On the morning of the 13th of September 2014, three members of FMMG; (A Religious, a Married Lady and a young Lady) went to the City of Mary Land to pray the Holy Rosary. Whilst praying, they saw signs in the Sun and one of them took a photo. Our Lady appeared to the young Lady and spoke through her to the Rev. Sister and the other lady. She said:

"Peace  be with you! 
My children, My children, My children. I thank you, I thank you, I thank you for coming. The Sun that you saw, was an indication of my presence. I thank you, my Children for coming. Pray, pray, pray for STRENGTH, pray for COURAGE.

Today marks the beginning of the City of Mary that I want you to build. I want you to help me to win more souls for my Son. Pray my children, for the Sins of the world. The three of you, represent the Trinity. I want you to come here to pray every month even if it is five minutes. 

Be strong! I want you to be strong. The three of you represent all the Children of Mary. Pray, be strong. You will face many challenges. But I want you to be strong. I am with you. 

I thank you , my children for coming..
I bless you, my children...In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

( After the message, they came home and in the night of that same 13th September, 2014, all members of FMMG had VIGIL and Our Lady spoke through the young woman again.

There was a strong wind blowing as if it were raining! Our Lady walked on the clouds. She was in Red and White dress, the same dress she had on when She Appeared in the Morning on the CITY OF MARY LAND. 

The following was Our Lady’s Message:...

"I welcome you all and may the peace from Heaven be with you all! 
Peace! Peace! Peace be with you my beloved children. I am so grateful for your gathering. I appreciate your prayers. 
●My love for you all has no end, I am always with you and my Son.
Your three sisters represented you today on the "CITY OF MARY LAND ". The three of them  represent the Holy Trinity. 
◆I want a CRUCIFIX on the Land; where your three sisters stood to pray, that is where I want it to face. 
◆Plant Roses around it. They should be Red and White Roses. I will continue to direct you.
Whenever you see the Red Roses around the Crucifix, know that you have been covered by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
The White Roses indicate that the Holy Spirit is there to guide and direct you.
The message I gave you on the Land should be sent to all members to read including the pictures. The SUN you saw on the Land indicates my presence and everything about you is bright.
◆Be strong in prayers! 
◆The names of the three people who visited the Land should be written and buried around the Crucifix. 
◆ I want each and every children of Mary member's name to be written in one book, I will tell you what to do with it. 
☆My children, all of you are truly blessed. You are blessed in  special ways. 
☆From today onwards, you are moving from grace to grace, but DON'T FORGET TO HELP ME BUILD MY CITY. 
☆Do well to help others who need your help. 
◆Kumi, (The Leader of FMMG) warn all my children who are moving from one church to the other seeking for prayers that they should be careful! They are rather worsening their problems.
◆The world needs your prayers. Pray for world peace. 
◆I love you all my children. Thank you for gathering, stay blessed and healthy."


FMMG started with: 
- 13 people in 2013 
(Our Lady told us the significance of calling 13 of us to start this Family! It has a link with Her Apparitions at Fatima)
                    AT FATIMA
- 13th of every month saw Apparitions to 3 shepherd Children. 
(The message of our Lady to the 3 children was to come to that place every 13th day of the month and pray for world peace and for conversion of sinners. 
◆Her request was that A CHURCH should be built there in Her honour.
◆The children were to have much to suffer in REPARATION for the sins committed against God! But the grace of God was to comfort them, and Our Lady promised to be with them. 

- 13th September, 2014 saw Apparition of Our Lady to our three sisters. 
(The message of our Lady to the three sisters was for them to come to the place every 13th day of the month and pray for world peace and for the conversion of sinners. 
Her request was for them to help build the CITY for Pilgrimage)

For this REQUEST of our Heavenly Mother, we humbly appeal to the whole world, Families, Friends, and Benefactors to help us with PRAYERS and DONATIONS to build this CITY for our Heavenly Mother, where She can pray with us and for us, for PEACE and to save  this sinful world.
Be rest assured of our prayers. 
God bless you for your prayers and generosity. 

Donations To:
ACCOUNT NO: 90609-6000 0536 2498

(For outside Ghana)

Contact: Email:
Cell on WhatsApp:
Facebook: Fmmg Mary

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