Sunday, November 23, 2014


 (Our Lady appeared to the Visionary during the Vigil. She was bare-footed and was wearing all white with blue around the dress like Her image at Lourdes. The following is Our Lady’s Message. ..)

" Peace be with you all, My most beloved children!
I feel much joy to see you together, praying and interceeding for the world.
I love you very much, My apostles.
The world needs your prayers.
Most of the sufferings of today's world is as a result of the LACK OF LOVE.
The world needs LOVE.
When there is LOVE, there is PEACE.
Please my children, pray for world peace.
•Do your best in prayer to save the world.
•Be strong, bold and be united in prayers.
I know your problems. Don't worry. My Son will take care of them but His will is always the best. Don't be discouraged.
My protection is upon you. Never will you be put to shame.
•This Christmas, continue to pray against any tragedy.
◇Please My dear apostles, do you know your prayers can save the world?
•Continue to pray against FIRE OUTBREAKS, any accident by TRAINS, SHIPS and any PLANE crush.
My children, never go back into darkness.
Read your Bibles, attend Mass, say the Rosary and DO GOOD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
Pray also against sudden deaths.
It breaks My HEART when someone thinks I don't love him / her.
I bless all your handiworks.
May favour follow you.
May you stay away from sin.
All your family will also be blessed.
I love you all.
You are all moving from grace to grace.
Pray! pray! pray!

(On the 15th day of November 2014, Members of FMMG went on PILGRIMAGE to the City of Mary Land, on arrival they started Rosary Procession around the Holy Land as our Our Lady instructed last month 13th October. After the recitation of the four Mysteries of the Holy Rosary and the Litany of our Lady, while singing, Our Lady Appeared to the visionary and gave the following message. .....)

" I thank you all for coming. Iam happy to see all of you here.
I appreciate your coming. I have blessed all of you through this weather and through the wind which is blowing. I bless you all with My Son.
I appreciate your coming. I appreciate your coming.
This calm weather signifies My Presence here with My Son.
I have blessed your intentions.
If anyone offends you, try and forgive the person.....Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Forgiveness, Forgiveness.
Continue to pray for your priests. I need your prayers for priests all over the world including the Pope.
Pray, pray, pray, pray.
Your next meeting, there should be a candle procession.
You should summarise all the messages. Read to them. Let them meditate on it during your next meeting.
I love you all.
I love you all.
I appreciate your prayers. But you need to pray more.
Peace be with you all.
I bless you with My Son in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
I am with you all, My children.
I am with you.
I am with you.
I am with you.
May there be light in your lives.
May you be healed spiritually and physically.
I cover you all with My Son's Precious Blood.
I bless you all.
I bless you.
I bless you.
I bless you.
I bless you.
Peace be with you all".

                      TO GGOD BE THE GLORY!

Brothers and Sisters, Our Blessed Mother loves us dearly. She loves all Her children. That is why She comes down every month to give us a message. She desire that all peoples be saved. She has called us to be Her apostles in praying for our world.
Let us do our part by praying. The work is the Lord's. Ours is to pray.
She has, through this message, reminded us of our mission, that is, to pray for pray for the world.
As we reflect on Her words, let us take them in with all the seriousness it deserves.

As a Mother who desires the salvation of all, She is asking us to forgive those who hurt and offend us. Let us pray for the grace to this She is asking of us.
Cast all your hurts unto God and let go the pains.
May God strengthen us in our resolve to be Our Heavenly Mother's apostles and pray for this world. She has given us the tools: Mass, confession, Reading of the Holy Bible and The Holy Rosary; all to be done with a heart that forgives.

May the Blessings of the Amighty Father come down upon us and remain always with us. Amen!

Friday, November 7, 2014


Rev. Sr. Martha (Ghana):
My personal reflection on Our Mother's message
Our Heavenly Mother makes reference to Her Love for us. Since yesterday I have been reflecting on this. 'A Mother's Love for Her children'. It goes deeper than what meets the ordinary eyes.
In our normal lives, we see how mothers will do all they can for their children. They make a lot of sacrifices. They deny themselves of life's comforts for the sake of their children. They defend and protect them. They will go to every extent to ensure they secure a good future for their children. When the children are sick, we see them sleeping on hospital floors and sitting by hospital beds in order to take care of their children. What is more interesting; each child is unique to the mother. They each have special places in her heart. She knows what each is capable of. She adores each child and makes her feel he/she is her favourite but in actual fact, she loves them all equally. Even if they are many, she cares for them and wouldn't want to lose any of them. She can go hungry in order to feed her children. 
My Dear people, I can go on and on and on until...But the list cannot be exhausted. 
This is human love. Think a moment about our Heavenly Mother's love for us. It surpasses every human love. 
But you see, my Dear Ones, not every child recognises the mother's love. And that is the pain of motherhood. The mother does a lot but the child pays no heed. The child goes wayward and causes more pain to the mother. Yet, the loving mother goes on her knees and prays for a change of heart.
That is what our Heavenly Mother is lamenting on. 
Have you for a moment asked yourself why you have been chosen to be a part of this wonderful family?
Do you think it is by your own merit? 
The Mother's Love is drawing you.
But then, how have you responded? Or are you entertaining some doubts?
Sometimes the father plans a punishment and the mother sneaks to reveal it to the child so the child can put up a good behaviour not to warrant the intended punishment.
Is it not similar to what our Heavenly Mother is doing with us?...Reflect on it.
What's more painful; when the children are blind to the love of their mother. She  goes through psychological and emotional pains until the child comes to that realisation.
My Dear Ones, our Mother is going through a similar pain.
Are we blind to This Love? 
What is causing this blindness?
Is it selfishness, pride, lukewarm attitude to prayer, gossip, materialism, unforgiving hearts, lust, avarice?...
Let us pray to Our Heavenly Mother to open our minds and hearts to recognise, appreciate and live the Love She has for and offers us daily.
"Mother, help us to recognise Your Love for us and extend it to others. ...amen"

Rev. Dom (Italy):
I have been reflecting on the love of our Heavenly Mother for us and Her presence among us. I asked myself: 
Who am I?
Who are we that the Mother of God is so close to us? 
She really is present in our midst! We always feel Her presence whenever She is giving us messages. Members in different places experience similar signs to confirm our Mother's presence and Her Love for us. The Love of our Heavenly Mother is beyond expression! She says: 
"I wish you could know how l love and cherish you... My love for you all has no end"
Do we realise this love of our Heavenly Mother? 
She said:
"Receive my messages with seriousness! "
Beloved Family, let us open our eyes to see what God is giving us. Let us open up our hearts to our Blessed Mother and embrace Her Motherly love and care. 
Let us continue to share our experiences in order to encourage and strenghen each other.
May our Blessed Mother continue to lead us on to Christ, Her Son. Amen! 

Mr. Ofori-Poku (Ghana): 
"Thank You, Mother Mary, for Your Endless Love for us Your children. We can never underestimate your Love for us. But please,   forgive us if we do out of our human weaknessess. You are Full of Grace, Holy Mother Mary. Amen".

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Mad. Alice (Ghana): 
"Even in death I still will be with you... I don't want you to go back to darkness."   
"Mother Mary, we are so grateful for Your assurance of your continual presence with us. We pray that Your Grace may lead us to fulfil Your Son's will in order to be with You always. Amen".

Mad. Stella (Sweden): 
Reflecting on the vigil message, I asked: 
"Why is it that Our Mother is pleading with us to have a Novena for the souls in purgatory especially members who have passed away? And why specifically The Divine Mercy Novena?
There must something going on which has necessitated this move on Her part. Let us take Her words seriously and pray for them.
There is an Akan adage which goes " woe to you if you do not have elderly person in your family".
Our Heavenly Mother Mary is always advising us to refrain from sin.
She has revealed the things satan is using to draw us to himself; how he is luring the youth with the pleasures of this world.
Let us listen to Her words and do Her will.
"Eno Mary, boa yen". (Mother Mary, Help us) Amen!

Sis. Mary Amponsah (Gh): 
Our Heavenly Mother tells us:
"My wish is that satan gets none of you to destroy - not even a single soul. Satan is after you the Youth! Never give him the slightest chance. Be strong and I will fight for you."   
"Thank You Mother Mary, for always interceeding and fighting for us. We pray for God's grace and Your grace, to resist all the temptations of the evil one. Amen".

Sis. Mary A (Italy): 
Deeply reflecting on our Blessed Mother's messages, we realise that all She needs from us is OUR LOVE! 
Love is humble and does all that must be done for the loved one. 
If we love our Blessed Mother, we would do all that She is asking of us.
Please, let us go back and read the Vigil message to see the similarities in that message and the message our Mother gave at Medugorje: 
"If you knew how much I love you, You'd cry for joy"
Think about it!

Sis. Helina (U.S): 
"I wish you could know how I love and cherish you" 
There is no doubt about our Mother's love for us. My prayers for those of us who do not as yet recognise Her love for us is that we may feel Her presence with us as She journeys with us , in good and difficult times as well as in our silent moments. 
"Mother,  we believe You love and are present with us but due to our human limitations, it is hard to appreciate it. Sometimes circumstances make us feel so lonely and  distant from You. Kindly  help us all to recognise and appreciate Your love for us. Bring us closer to Yourself and never stop loving us Amen"πŸ™. 

Mr. Micheal (Ghana): 
The Love that Mother Mary keeps talking about goes to confirm The Love that Jesus has for us!
"Greater Love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" ( John 15:13).
" You are my friends IF you do WHATSOEVER I command you".  (John 15:14).
These are but just a few examples.
My advice to members, expecially the youth is that, God is still looking for those who fear and do His will like Joseph, Daniel, Ruth, Judith, Mary Of Magdala and Stephen. If we avail ourselves like Joseph and Daniel, God will reveal to us what we are suppose to know and do. 
Let us all embrace the calling of our Blessed Mother and Our Lord's calling to do The Will of Our Heavenly Father!

Sis. Comfort (Ghana): 
"Satan is after you the YOUTH! Never give him the slightest chance. Be strong and I will fight for you", 
Our Mother says She will always be there to fight for us. So there is no need for us to fear the evil one.
Let us then, always seek refuge in Her Motherly Love.

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Sis. Amelia (Sweden): 
"Satan is  after you the youth".
In today's world, satan is using modern technology to draw the youth to himself through the abuse of its use. They spend hours in their rooms sitting by their computers. God alone knows what goes on in there. It is only hunger and thirst that pulls them out of their rooms.
I would like to entreat all parents to please continue checking on  and talking with their children.
I am pleading with the youth to take advice from your parents and elders. 
Mother Mary has promised to be there for you, the youth. Do not turn away from Her Love.
God Bless as all as we obey Mother Mary. Amen.

Mad. Stella (Sweden)
Our Lord Jesus asked that we guard against greed and worldly posessions as they do not guarantee eternal life.
Our Mother also warns us against the tricks of satan concealed in the pleasures of this world.
"Mother Mary,  please touch the senses of our youth so they could  refrain from all  'short cuts' to  becoming rich and famous at the loss of their souls which are dear to You.
Do assist them, Mother,  to work hard and reap the fruits of their own labour.
Eno( Mother) Mary,  help us. Amen".

Dom (Italy):
(PS. 133)- "How good and how delightful it is to live together as brothers and sisters."

I believe Our Blessed Mother is very glad to see Her children united in prayers and making efforts to do what She has requested of them.
Our sharing encourages and strengthens the Family and also helps others. 
Some of us are supporting the construction of the Holy City of our Mother with our prayers, ideas, sacrifices and suggestions. Others are contributing from what God has given them through the intercession of our Mother. 
Let us continue to encourage each other. Although it is a big task,  it is a blessing that through us, our Blessed Mother is blessing Ghana like FATIMA & 
It is unfortunate that we have not as yet fully realised the Heavenly grace we are receiving especially members in Ghana! 
"May our Heavenly Mother help us to respond faithfully to this Heavenly Call. Amen"

Sis. Helina (U.S): 
Let us reflect on our Mother's simple  request :"
"I WANT TO SEE YOU HERE ONCE EVERY MONTH...PREPARE WELL...". (This message was part of the 13th October message).

When you see a fetish priest on TV, take a look at the environment; ugly  and decorated with scary - looking dolls. Sometimes you wonder what and why on earth people are going there for and to do. Simple!
They go there because of what they have heard and believe in. People pay huge sums of money to go to a "20-feet", not even an acre of land, to visit  and even pay homage to their gods. They go there prepared and willing to do whatever is asked of them - right? Woe unto you if you do not follow as advised! Well,  That is a long story! 
I am sure we all know that nothing good comes out of what these gods offer at the end of the day.

This, in no way,can be compared to the "empty" CITY OF MARY. If God were to grant us the spiritual eyes,  perhaps we would see that it is already established. How it looks now does not matter but the goodness and blessings in it! Can you not see that now Our Land has on it a Cross (CHRIST) and a Rosary (MARY) . Should it even matter how it looks before we go and visit our Mother as She has requested?  Remember, we stand to benefit.
So to my brothers and sisters in Ghana, especially those in Kumasi, those outside Ghana envy you. They wish to have what you have. This can be seen in their comments wishing they were in Ghana. We can only imagine things.  πŸ‘Well done πŸ‘  to those who were able to make it to the Holy Land. All the same, we can do better. Our Mother is not FORCING us to come. It is a plea.
God gives us 30 /31 days in a month. All our Mother is asking for is  to spend A DAY (few hours of one day) with Her. Please, let us  adhere to our Mother's plea. She still is waiting for us all to come.
Kindly pray for the children of Mary family abroad to be able to come and join you one day . SALVEπŸ™Œ


Sis. Mary (Italy): 
Christ Said in the Bible:
"Many are called but few are chosen".

Let us try to be among the few chosen ones. Let us try to enter this ARK (THE CITY OF MARY, THE HOLY LAND!).
"Blessed Mother, we 
shall build this Holy City. Yes we can. 

Sis. Givence (Ghana): 
I suggest envelopes be given each one to be distributed to friends and loved ones towards the construction of the City of Mary.

Sis. Mary (Italy):
I also suggest that we put the printed card which has the information about this Blessed Family and the Project in the envelopes before giving them out to people.

Bro. Samuel (U.S): 
I suggest we print envelopes using the design and information on the card for distribution. Every little helps.

Mr. Ofori (Ghana): 
I support  Bro. Samuel's suggestion. It will go long way to help. God bless us all. Amen.

Sis. Helina (U.S): 
Brothers and sister, let us not forget that we are Mother Mary's children and She wishes to build Her City through us. That is why She chose us. Her promise of building will not happen if we all do not make the necessary effort to do what each of us can and must do; both physically and spiritually.
Let us not forget that the envelopes can serve as a form advertisement also. Let us do well to tell people about the project. This way, many people will come to know about the CITY OF MARY. SALVE

Sr. Martha (Ghana): 
I agree perfectly with Sis. Helena's suggestion. I pray each member to make a conscious effort to publicise The City Of Mary Project and raise funds through the envelopes.

Mr Micheal (Ghana): 
All things belong to God. All things came into being Through The WORD which is JESUS, Our Lord and Saviour Who became flesh through Mother Mary and The Holy Spirit. 
Since the terrain belongs to Jesus, and Mother Mary has asked us to build The CITY OF MARY. All we need to do is to constantly remind ourselves that we are labouring in the Lord's vineyard and that we are building The City through the intercession of Mary who pleads with Her Son for us just as She did at the wedding feast in Canaan. Collectively, we gather the stones and the building blocks (our widows' mite) and The Master will multiply it in thousand folds. 
The idea of envelopes and cards are good, but we should not forget that it is The Master and Our Blessed Mother who know how and when The Project will commence and complete. So we need to back everything with prayers. Yes we will, yes we can!

(If you would like to join this Blessed Family or help BUILD the " CITY OF MARY " kindly, 

Contact us:
Cell on WhatsApp:
Facebook: Fmmg Mary

God bless you and may our Heavenly Mother intercede on your behalf before Her Son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Our Lady of City of Mary Message, 13th August 2020

"YOUR WEAPONS ARE:  1. The HOLY MASS 2. The BLESSED SACRAMENT 3. The ROSARY and 4. CONFESSION." *"May the Peace from Heaven b...