Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Message given by our Blessed Mother at City of Mary, (12/11/2016)

(You have seen my Son's Face on this Land. My Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Face shown here as a face of African)

*Peace be with you all!*
May peace from Heaven be upon Ghana!
My dear children, my little Apostles, I am here as your Blessed Mother through this sun.

I am happy to see you all praying for peace. For Ghana and the entire world. You're still in the mercy year, *you have seen my Son's Face on this Land. My Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Face shown here as a face of African, face of Ghanaian,* showing you He is a merciful Father.

Continue to pray!
Kings in Ghana should unite, they should unites, they should unites and stay away from politics! Pray for peace! Pray for Peace! Pray for Peace!

Continue to be in prayers, ask for mercy from the merciful Father.
Ask for peace, for Ghana and the entire world.

America should unite, they should unite! without unity, they are exposing danger to the whole world! If they refuse to unite, their enemies will attack them and conquer them. They should Unite in love and in prayers.

My little ones, My little Apostles, continue to help Me in prayers to save this sinful world.
I love you all my children, Jesus Christ loves you and through His merciful Father, He is always with you.
*Do not be afraid and keep on praying.*
Pray for Europe, pray for Asia!

My dear ones, you are ending the *Year of Mercy*, continue to be in prayers, My Son is always merciful, have a clean heart. Do good, stay away from sin.
As I always tell you, you have your weapon, the Rosary. Pray the Rosary! Go to Mass and always cleans yourselves by going for confession.

Pray! Africa, unite yourselves, the Father will show you His merciful Heart.

In the silence of your hearts, through this Sun, open your hands and pray your intentions.... through this Sun, those who are joining in spirit, may you be healed.

Be strong in all temptations!
Be strong, Be strong and have faith, have faith. Through this Sun, those who are here and those who are not here, may you be healed.

May the Merciful Father, strengthen you in faith. May He always show His Merciful Heart to you.
May the merciful Father bless and grant you peace.

Thank you all and I appreciate your coming.
*Peace be with you all.*

"(We thank our Heavenly Mother for Her love and message of peace, message of of encouragement and message of hope. May the Lord grant us the grace to obey His Holy Mother and be serious with Her message as She has instructed us.)



*Our Lady of City of Mary, Pray for us. Amen!*

Our Lady of City of Mary Message, 13th August 2020

"YOUR WEAPONS ARE:  1. The HOLY MASS 2. The BLESSED SACRAMENT 3. The ROSARY and 4. CONFESSION." *"May the Peace from Heaven b...