Thursday, November 29, 2018

Message Of Our Blessed Mother At City Of Mary, 13/10/2018


"Peace be with you all, May the Peace from Heaven be with you all!"

My beloved, My little Apostles, those of you here and those joining in spirit, *Peace be with you all and your family!*

>>Today is another day, a day in which you are all called to gather here and pray for this sinful world! 
I welcome you all to this Holy Land, a land of peace. 

>>My little Apostles, My beloved, continue to pray, Pray for this world. 
Do not be discourage, but pray. Pray, so that this World will be a better place for you all. 

>> Pray for the Leaders of the Church, starting from the Pope. Do not attack them, but pray for them. Pray for the Pope, pray for all Bishops, Pray for My Priests, pray for all Religious, do not attack them, they need your prayers, and pray for Seminarians, so that there will be a good Priests for the Church.

>>My beloved, My little Apostles, let your lives set good example for others. 
°When you ask for forgiveness, ask yourself; "Do you forgive others, do you forgive those who wrong you?" 
°When you pray for Peace, ask yourself; "Are you an instrument of Peace? 
°When you pray for love, ask yourself, "Do you show love to others?
°When you pray for God's blessing. Ask yourself, Are you a blessing to others? 

>> *My beloved, My little Apostles, do not just pray the Rosary, do not just recite it, but pray and imitate the words in it. Do not just read the Bible, but pray the Bible and imitate the Words in it.*

>>Attend Mass early and do not be late, during Mass, give your full concentration, be focused. 

>> *My beloved, learn to pray with your family. Come together and pray together, and Show love among yourselves, site good example to your children, so that they will be a good leaders in future.* 

>>I love you all and I am with you always. My Son loves you most.  
Be silenced in your heart and Pray your intentions. ..
*Pray! My Son is here with the Angels.....*
(Jesus blessing....)
I love you all, thank you all for coming. 
*Peace be with you all!*


*Our Lady Of City Of Mary, Pray for us. Amen!*

Our Lady of City of Mary Message, 13th August 2020

"YOUR WEAPONS ARE:  1. The HOLY MASS 2. The BLESSED SACRAMENT 3. The ROSARY and 4. CONFESSION." *"May the Peace from Heaven b...