Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Message Of Our Blessed Mother At City Of Mary, 13/06/2019


*"Peace be with you all. May the peace from Heaven be with you all. Peace be with you and your families.*

My dear ones, My Beloved, My little Apostles, I welcome you all, to this Holy Land, to this peaceful Land.

My beloved, My little Apostles, I appreciate your prayers to help me save this sinful World, so that this world will be a better place for you all.

*My beloved, continue to pray, Pray, Pray with your heart to save this world. continue to pray for those suffering, for those  dying  because of their Christian faith.*

*My Beloved, From this month to next month 13th, Please,  there should be intensive prayer, there should be intensive prayer, there should be intensive prayer, there should be Intensive prayers to commit the whole World into the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ!*

Remember most especially, Priests and all Bishops, *"Pray for them, pray for their protection,"* Pray for Ghana, Pray for Ghana, Pray for Ghana! Pray for God's mercy and His protection.

My beloved, My little Apostles, do not be afraid, you only have to pray and leave the rest for My Son. Pray and MY Son will take care of the rest.
I love you all, I am with you, My Son is with you.

My Son is here with the Angels, Pray your intentions....

Those here and those joining in spirit, My Son is here, giving you His blessings, He is blessing you through this calmed weather and the air blowing....
Pray your intentions... and allow His will to be done.

I love you all and thanks for coming.
Peace be with you all.

*Our Lady Of City Of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen!*

Our Lady of City of Mary Message, 13th August 2020

"YOUR WEAPONS ARE:  1. The HOLY MASS 2. The BLESSED SACRAMENT 3. The ROSARY and 4. CONFESSION." *"May the Peace from Heaven b...