Thursday, June 17, 2021

Our Lady of City of Mary Message, 13th August 2020




3. The ROSARY and


*"May the Peace from Heaven be with you all, Peace be with you all."*

My Beloved, My little Apostles, I welcome you all to this Holy Land; to this peaceful Land. 

*My little Apostles, please help Me with your prayers. Pray for the World. Pray for the World. Pray for this sinful World!* 

My Beloved, continue to Pray. Continue to pray. Pray for the World, Pray for mercy! Pray for forgiveness. *The World is full of blood. Pray! Pray for mercy! Pray for forgiveness.*

You should all prepare yourselves well. Prepare yourself as an Apostle. You are a soldier! Prepare! Your weapons are: 

1. *The HOLY MASS*


3. *The ROSARY* and


Never be afraid to go to Church. Never be afraid of any disease. You only have to pray and My Son will do the rest. 

*You only have to Pray. My Son will do the rest.*

_"Pray for any Country that will hold Elections this Year especially Ghana. Pray for your Airlines, Pray against fire outbreaks, Pray for all travellers"_

*Pray for souls in purgatory. Innocents souls are dying. Innocents souls are dying. Innocent souls are dying. Pray! Pray for them.*


Pray for health workers especially Doctors and Nurses. Pray that they will be faithful. Pray that they will be sincere with their work. Pray for them. Pray for them. Pray for them. 

Pray, My children! You are at war, but know that My Son Jesus Christ is with you and you shall overcome. 

Thank you. I bless you all. My Son is here with the Angels. You all have the mark of My Son. You have been covered by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. 

I am with you all.

I am with you. 

I am with you. 

*Pray for the Church leaders. Pray for your kings. Pray for your politicians.*

I am with you. NEVER be afraid! Nothing will happen to you, My children! 

Have faith. Nothing will happen to you. You have all been covered by the Precious Blood, and the Will of My Son will be done in your lives. 

My Son is here with the Angels. He is going around blessing you all.

*Thank you all for coming.* 


*Our Lady of City of Mary, Pray for Us. Amen!*

Message of our Blessed Mother through the Visionary during Holy Rosary, 13th July 2020


*"Peace be with you! May the Peace from Heaven be with you! Peace be with you all, My Beloved, My little Apostles, wherever you are, Peace be with you!"*

My Beloved, My little Apostles, I am with you all wherever you find yourself, do not be afraid, I am with you, My Son is with you! 

*You are Apostles, you need to be brave, you need to gather courage and face this war!*

My Beloved, the only healing remedy for this Pandemic situation is prayer! 

*Be obedient to the authorities and pray. Pray for this World, Pray for this sinful World! Pray, so that this World will be a better place for you all.*

The World needs healing, the World needs mercy, the World needs God's mercy. Pray, never be afraid. 

*Is a trial for you all, together in prayers, you shall overcome. Be bold and attend Mass! Be bold and attend Mass!*

My Priests should gather courage and come out to celebrate Mass, My Priests should gather courage and come out to celebrate Mass!

*My little Apostles, I am with you, be obedient, be disciplined, and above all Pray, Pray for strength, pray for Courage, pray for mercy and pray for healing.*

I love you all and I thank you for your individual prayers for your help for the whole World. 

*On the 25th of this month, (July 2020) you should all be in prayer mood, intensify your prayer for the World, intensify your prayer for the World!  intensify your prayer.*

At 3 O'clock, you should all gather in prayer wherever you find yourself, pray, pray, pray for the World, pray for mercy!

*Pray for good weather, pray for all Airlines, Pray for My Priests, Pray for the Church.*

I love you and I am with you all. 

Peace be with you all!


*Our Lady Of City Of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen!*

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Message of our Blessed Mother during Rosary Recitation, 13/06/2020


"Peace be with you all! May the peace from heaven be with you all."

I appreciate your gathering as *"One Family"* to help Me safe this sinful world.

My little Apostles, please continue to help Me with your prayer to safe this sinful world.

*Pray for mercy, pray for mercy, pray mercy so that the world will be healed*

Do more penance to help Me safe the world.

Be courageous, stay calm and pray for the world.

Do not be afraid My Son JESUS CHRIST will see you through.

I Am with you too and you are all mark with and covered by the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ.

Peace be with you all!

 Thanks for gathering.

Message of our Blessed Mother during the Pentecost Vigil 30/05/2020


*"Peace be with you all, May the peace from heaven be with you all!*

My beloved, My little Apostles.

I welcome you all as One Family united in prayer through different continents.

I appreciate your gathering to help save the world.

As an Apostles, you all have different gifts which makes you unique, and each and everyone's gift is important and must be well respected

You have all renewed your gifts and I want you all to work together by praying to heal the world, So that this world will be a better place for you all.

As an Apostles, don't be discouraged! be strong and face the world with your prayers!

It is a War and you need to fight through prayers.

show a good behaviour, have a clean heart and clean mind so that you can overcome.

I love you all, do not 

be afraid! My Son JESUS CHRIST is with you all, be blessed and be covered by His precious blood!

I love you all, thanks for gathering.


Our Lady of City of Mary Message, 13th August 2020

"YOUR WEAPONS ARE:  1. The HOLY MASS 2. The BLESSED SACRAMENT 3. The ROSARY and 4. CONFESSION." *"May the Peace from Heaven b...