Sunday, July 31, 2016

Message of Our Lady During FMMG VIGIL on the 13th July 2016


The Vision:
(Our heavenly mother is in our midst with the Angels around Her.
She is crying with tears of blood,
Too much blood were seen on the streets, Innocent people are dying!
Our Mother looks different today, all Her face is wet with tears of blood.
Our mother has descended)

The Message:

"Peace be with you all my beloved little apostles!
May the peace from heaven be with you all on this special day.
I am glad to see the FEW ONES of you praying together to help me save this sinful world.

My little apostles, the world is soaked with too much blood!
Innocent ones are dying!

You are privileged that you have never experienced or seen such persecution before! So, some of you don't take prayers serious to help save the world.

Pray that the world do not experience another WORLD WAR! If it happens, it will be very very serious to stop due to modern technology.

My dear ones, my little apostles,
You are many but count yourselves how many are you praying on this platform?
You have time for other things but you don't have time for me and my Son Jesus Christ.

People are using WhatsApp for things which are useless, but I want you to set an example for others by using it for things which are useful for the glory of the Lord.

You have time using the WhatsApp calling and messaging fake pastors to pray for you but you forget to use it to pray and response to prayers.

You have money to travel a far to see fetish priests and spend your whole time there but you don't have time, and money to meet me at the holy land in Kumasi. (City of Mary)

My little apostles, I am sad seeing some of you running away from such opportunity given to you!
My beloved, behave like my children and be good.

Continue praying for world peace!
*Pray against the plans of the ISIS, on WORLD YOUTH DAY!
*Stay away from politics, don't allow the politicians to misuse you for their own interests.
*Pray against ACCIDENTS on your roads!

Be rest assured that I am with you and my Son protecting you!
Pray, pray, pray my beloved little apostles.
I Love you all, and thank you for gathering.
May you all be blessed.
peace be with you all!"

Praise be to Jesus and Mary!
          Now and Forever

(We must take the messages of our Heavenly Mother very SERIOUSLY and PRAY!!!
Just after our Blessed Mother's message, on the following day, France were attacked by Terrorists, in which innocent people died on the street of Nice as was seen in the above vision.
We have a Loving Mother, who always reveals things which is about to happen, so that we can pray against it.
Thanks to our Mother's revelation, we were able to pray against ISIS plan of bomb explosion in Poland for the "world Youth Day" and they were arrested!!!!)

Mother of FMMG, continue to be with us and pray for us. Amen!

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