Thursday, May 4, 2017

Our Lady of City of Mary Message on 13th January, 2017


May the peace from heaven be with you all.
May the peace be with you; those joining in Spirit and those gathered here.
I welcome all of you into the new year, 2017. And I wish you a happy new year.
I wish you well as you begin a new year. I wish you all well.
My beloved Apostles, my little apostles, I am happy to see you here. I am happy to see you, the few ones responding to this call. I am happy and I appreciate that, you have a special blessing.
My little Apostles, continue to help me to save this sinful world. My dear ones, this world needs your prayer. My dear ones, help me with your Rosary. Help me with your Rosary. Help me with your Rosary which is one of the *greatest weapons to defeat satan*.

This year, be more close to the Blessed Sacrament and attend Masses. 
Pray your Rosary.
Read your Bible and if possible, those who are not sick, those who are not on medication, try and fast once in a while.
My dear ones, my little Apostles, most of you are going to be leaders. Most of you are going to be leaders. Most of you are going to be leaders.
Be prayerful and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. 
My dear ones, my little Apostles, pray for the world. Pray for Africa.
Pray for peace.
Pray for peace.
Pray for peace.
Pray against terrorist attacks.
Pray for Pope.
Pray most especially for all semiarians.

My dear ones, do not be deceived by false prophets, by fake pastors.
Pray your Rosary more and attend Mass and you will receive your blessing.
As you begin a new year, may this light shine upon your life! 
(at this point, the cool weather gave to a bright shining sun).

May the Angels be with you. May the Angels be with you.
May the Angels guide you.
I love you children.
This sun symbolises the love I have for you and my presence here 
*My dear ones, what else do you need? What miracle do you need? Why are you following fake pastors. You don't have time to pray your Rosary!*
My dear ones, you have a lot to do. The few ones responding, I will be with you. My blessings will follow you.
Be good leaders. 
Be good leaders.
Be good leaders.
Be good leaders.
Be good leaders.
My little Apostles, help me and I will help you.
This land is being blessed. Do not be discouraged.
I wish you well.
I wish you well.
Thank you for coming.
Open your hands and receive my blessing.
My Son is here. The Angels are here. 
Those who are sick, be healed.
Be strengthened, be strong in your faith.
Be strong.
Be strong.
Be strong.
Be strong my children. Be strong.
The Angels are here!
Peace in Africa.
Peace in the whole world.
And peace come upon Ghana and all your leaders. 

You will come after the other and receive your blessing.
_(At this point after the message, Our Mother laid hand on all the 60 people that were present through the visionary and healed us through deliverance and prayed for our individual intentions)_



*Our Lady of City of Mary, Pray for us. Amen!. 

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"YOUR WEAPONS ARE:  1. The HOLY MASS 2. The BLESSED SACRAMENT 3. The ROSARY and 4. CONFESSION." *"May the Peace from Heaven b...