Friday, August 11, 2017



*"Peace be with you all, May the peace from heaven be with you all!*
My beloved, My little Apostles, I welcome you all to this Holy Land; Land of peace.

My dear ones, My little apostles. I always need your prayers to save this sinful world. Pray! Pray! Pray for this sinful world.
Pray for peace! Pray for the conversion of the ISIS. Pray for the conversion of the ISIS.

My little Apostles, My beloved, pray for peace for Africa and especially for Ghana. Pray! Pray! Pray!
Pray My dear ones. Pray against any form of group  that wants to harm this country. Pray against their bad intentions.

*There should be "INTENSIVE PRAYERS" from next month, My beloved. There should be intensive prayers next month!*

Pray for Africa. Pray for peace! Pray for peace! Pray for peace!
Pray and ask God for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness for all those who are doing  evil; those who are causing harm in different countries.
Pray and ask for forgiveness.

My dear ones, love yourselves and pray for peace.
I love you all, My little Apostles. 
Be more closer to Jesus and He will protect you all.

*My dear ones, do not take things for granted. Pray your Rosary. Pray your Rosary. Pray your Rosary! The more you pray, the more people are saved.*

Pray for souls in purgatory. They need your prayers.
Be bold and strong as a Catholic.
Never lose your faith!

I love you all. 
I and my Son are with you.
Pray your intentions.. 
_(At this point, Our Mother paused)_
Open your palms. My Son is here giving you  His blessings. _(She paused again)_
Thank you all for coming"

Praise Be To Jesus And Mary! 
Now and Forever!

*Our Lady of City of Mary, Pray for us. Amen!*

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