Saturday, April 20, 2019

Message Of Our Blessed Mother At City Of Mary, 13/04/19


"Peace be with you all, may the peace from Heaven be with you all. Peace be with you all.

My beloved, My little Apostles. I welcome you all to this Holy Land, to this peaceful Land.

My dear ones, My little Apostles, I appreciate your gathering, I appreciate your prayers, I appreciate your efforts, most especially the few ones who are doing their best! I appreciate it.

My Beloved, you are still in Lent, and very soon, the Lent will come to an end. My beloved, My little Apostles, Pray! Pray! Please pray! Pray for World peace!*

The efforts you are making in this Lent should be continue even after this Lent.

My beloved, a lot is going to happen and I need your prayers. Pray seriously, Pray for this sinful World, Pray most  especially for the youth!

My Beloved, your lent will not be complete if you don't forgive each  other, your lent will not be completed if you don't show love, your lent will not be completed if you don't make peace.

Continue to pray for children, Pray for the little children among you.

My beloved, My little Apostles, Pray, Pray and commit your borders into the Lord's hands. From today till Good Friday, those of you who have not gone for Confession, should try and go for confession.*

Pray for souls in purgatory. Pray for the sick among you and pray for yourselves.

Do not be afraid, whatever happens, do not be afraid, My Son is with you and I am with you. I love you my children, I am always with you, you only have  to pray and leave the rest for My Son, My Son will do the rest........

My Son is here with the Angels, Pray your intentions.....

Through this calmed weather My Son is blessing you.......

Pray your intentions and allow His will to be done!

I love you all, and I appreciate your coming. Peace be with you all!"


*Our Lady Of City Of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen!*

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