Friday, December 20, 2019

Message Of Our Blessed Mother At City Of Mary, 13/09/2019


*"Peace be with you all, may the peace from Heaven be with you all. Peace be with you all!*

My Beloved Apostles, peace be with you all!
I welcome you all to this holy Land, to this peaceful Land.

My beloved, My little Apostles,
I appreciate your prayers to help me save this sinful world.

My Beloved, as an Apostle, be always prepared, be strong.

My beloved, as an Apostles, help me to save this sinful world by your prayers.

Do not be ashamed, do not be lazy to pray especially the Rosary, do not be lazy to attend Mass.

My beloved, My little Apostles, do not seek for your happiness alone, but the happiness of others by helping them in prayers.

Live an exemplary life as an Apostles wherever you find yourself.

*Families should come together in unity to pray, pray the Rosary with your family, Pray in unity and in love.*

•Pray for the souls in purgatory!
•Pray for the Youth of today!
•Pray for the sick.
•Pray for the leaders of the Church especially My Priests. Pray for them and support them.
•Pray for peace, be a peace maker.
•Pray for Africa and pray for all African leaders.

My beloved, do not be afraid, do not loose courage by what is happening around. You only have to pray and My Son will do the rest.

*Next week, Wednesday and Friday, some of you should come together in prayers by fasting and pray for God's mercy and protection for the World.*

If you are not sick or taking any medication, please, please, please,  fast as a penance to pray  for the World.

*Pray the Divine Mercy and ask for God's mercy for the whole World.*

▪Attend Mass, Go For Confession and be close to the Blessed Sacrament.
▪Wear your Scapulars, Wear your Scapulars, Wear your Scapulars. Don't be shy to wear your Scapular. Don't be afraid to wear your Scapular.

I love you all, My Beloved.
•My Son and the Angels are here.
•Pray your intentions.....

*Thank God for the gift of life, thank God for His mercy, thank God for His protection, thank God for His love...*

Those here and those joining in spirit, My Son is blessing you and healing you...+++
•May His will be done.

*I love you all, thank you for coming. Peace be with you all!*


*Our Lady Of City Of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen!*

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