"Peace be with you all, may the peace from Heaven be with you all. My beloved, my little Apostles, peace be with you all!".
I welcome you all to this peaceful Land, to this Holy Land,
My beloved, "you have been chosen as Christ little Apostles," and your duty is to pray, is to pray for the world, is to pray for this sinful world.
Pray for the world, pray for the peace, pray My little Apostles, Pray for love, Pray for unity, pray for God's mercy upon this sinful world!
There are many souls who are still suffering because of their Faith, pray for them. As little Apostles, never pray for your happiness alone, but pray for souls who are suffering.
There are more souls who need repentance, Pray for their conversion. My beloved, My little Apostles, please help Me with your prayers to save this sinful world.
Pray for the Pope, Pray for all Bishops, Pray for Priests, Pray for Religious and also Pray for Seminarians.
Pray for the Church leaders so that they will defend the Church.
My little Apostles, do not see yourselves as holier than others, but see yourselves as a sinner, and ask for God's mercy and forgiveness.
Remember too always, at least once a month go for confession and cleanse yourself.
My little Apostles, before the end of the Year, make sure you go for confession!
Be a Peace maker, love one another, learn how to forgive, so that your sins will be forgiven by your Heavenly Father.
I love you all My little Apostles, hold on to your faith, hold on to your faith, be strong, I am with you, My Son is with you, the Angels are with you.
Pray for Africa, Pray for Ghana, Pray for all African leaders, and Pray for the sick.
As I told you early this year, I am telling you again, Pray, pray, pray against outbreak decease, Pray against outbreak decease!* And also remember to Pray for all those working in various hospitals.
I love you all, Remain Blessed and never get tired to pray. Peace be with you all!
My Son is here with the Angels, Pray your intentions;........ Pray and ask the will of God to be done. The Angels are moving around.
Thank you for coming, Peace be with you!
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Praise be to Jesus and Mary, Now and Forever!
To God be the Glory and Honour to our Heavenly Mother!
*Our Lady Of City Of Mary, Pray For Us. Amen!*